Pearl Leeri Gourami

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Trichogater Leeri
Pronounced Try-ko-gas’ter Leer’-eye.
Common Name (Pearl Gourami)

By: Lovel Tippit

Pearl Leeri Come From The Rice Fields Of Thailand

First Discribed by Bleeker 1842

  Pearl gourami's are an enchanting addition to any aquarium. The mature male announces his grandeur in minor colors which slowly grow into a perfect mother of pearl mosaic only to be stirred by the burning of many shades of red. This handsome fellow is not only good looking but well behaved. At four and a half inches the adult male seems uninterested in the smallest members of the aquarium. And unlike others in the  the fishes family the male Pearl gourami is a mild tempered gentalmen when courting the female.  
   In it's natural state (Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia) T. leeri inhabit shallow poorly oxygenated swamps and rice patties. To survive it draws the breath of life from the surface. Oxygen enriches the blood stream by way of a lung like organ called the labyrinth. Because of the fishes comfort in such hostile environments it is perfectly suited for planted aquariums that are injected with high levels of CO2. 
  In spite of the Pearl gourami's sophisticated appearance they are not challenging to feed. Frozen, live or flake food will suffice the fishes conventional taste. Further they are equally as forgiving in regards to water parameters.  If the water is wet they will thrive!

The first American Importations Arrived in New York in the spring of 1933, and were brought to the country by a German collector by the name of Remsperger. Later in October the fish were displayed in Pennsylvania at a fish show held in “The Academy Of Natural Sciences.” However, the fish were still young and had not yet developed the striking red breast colors. it was only late into that winter that the true beauty of the fish was realized! An article appeared in the December 1933 issue of “The Aquarium” magazine under a piece entitled “New Importations” describing Leeri gourami’s. Still at that time at the beginning of winter the red breast of the fish was not mentioned. By 1934 Pearl Leeri were a common import as can be seen on the ad pictured below of a tran-shipper of the day. In 1935 the fish was often bred and written about.

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