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I have noticed that you don’t see these often in fish shops and I don’t get that? They are one of the prettest little corydora there is. They are easy to care for and fun to watch.
They Love… I Mean Love Froozen Blood Worms. Also I take my left over baby brine shrimp and make a paste out of it using knox gelatin. I smear it on a piece of glass and drop it down to them… Dude they Love that!
Like most other corydoras catfish, these fish are peaceful and make excellent additions to most community tanks. One of the key ingredients to keeping corydoras catfish happy is to provide them with a non-abrasive substrate that they can easily root through. In the wild, they continuously forage for food, and even when well fed, they will still root in the substrate of an aquarium. These fish are relatively easy to breed and will often mate on their own if both males and females are kept together.

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