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Scientific name: Phenacogrammus interrutpus
Common name: Congo tetra
Care-level: Easy-Medium
Size: Males get to 3″, females are a little smaller
pH: 6.0-6.5
Temperature: 75-81°F (24-27°C)
Water Hardness: Soft
Origin/Habitat: Central Africa rivers and River Congo
Lifespan: 3-5 years, possibly longer
Temperament / Behavior: Peaceful and tolerant, may nip at delicate and succulent plants. Just don’t keep with fish that are robust, hyperactive, and aggressive.
Breeding: Difficult in the home aquarium. The eggs hatch 6 days after being laid and fertilized.
Tank mates: Any other tetras, small fish that won’t eat the Congo tetra, or fish that have the same needs as the Congo Tetra.
Fish Disease: Signs and treatments for some common freshwater fish disease
Fish Food: Omnivore, give live insect larvae, and vegetables as an added diet for best health.
Tank Region: Middle to top
Gender: The males have a long dorsal fin and are a little bigger then the females. The females get fuller in the middle when they are mature because they are holding eggs.

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