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Scientific Name : Hyphessobrycon megalopterus
Common Names : Phantom Tetra
Care Level : Easy
Size : Up to 2 inches (5 cm)
pH : 6 – 7.5
Temperature : 72°F – 80°F (22°C – 27°C)
Lifespan : 3 – 5 years, perhaps longer
Origin / Habitat : South America, various river basin areas
Temperament / Behavior : This is a generally peaceful fish and does well when kept in a small school of 6 or more. However, they males may become aggressive with other male black phantom tetras around spawning time.
Breeding : Can be difficult. They will need a tank all to themselves with no substrate since they are egg scatterers. Condition with high quality foods, lower the light levels and drop the pH slightly. More information on breeding this fish.
Aquarium Size : 10 gallon minimum
Tank Mates : Similar or smaller sized species (tetras, rasboras) that are comparable in temperament. Does well with other tetras.
Diet / Foods : This fish is an omnivore, meaning that they will accept all sorts of foods. In the wild they are thought to feed on small insects but this can be difficult to reproduce for the average hobbyist. Give them a varied diet but provide a high quality flake food as the main portion. Treat them periodically to foods higher in protein such as blood worms and brine shrimp.
Tank Region : Middle to bottom
Gender : Females look more full bodied (eggs) and the male may become darker colored when ready to breed. Males may sport black fins whereas female fins may be more red in color.

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